Nov 18, 20142 min


Have you noticed water spots on your shower doors and tile walls? If so you might find over time that white substance from hard water becomes more and more difficult to scrub away. These dissolved minerals can actually become permanently etched into the hard material.

So have you ever wondered what it does to your skin? Now that you think about it the obvious question that comes to mind is, "so is tap water bad for your skin"?

In a word, yes. Our skin is an organ and not only does it absorb whatever we put on it into the blood stream, but it acts like a sponge and is easily affected by contact with any substance, including water. Why do you drink filtered water even though the city supply may be "safe"? In Florida for example there were 58 contaminants exceeding public health based limits. These typically come from agricultural pollutants when chemicals seep into the water table or are washed into lakes and rivers by rain, urban pollutants and industrial pollutants. In addition there are salts, chlorines and other chemicals which can lead to skin irritation and which certainly dehydrate. These contaminants can seep into our pores.


First, I recommend an alcohol free toner applied after cleansing with an exfoliating cotton square. These are readily available at local drugstores and you'll recognize them by the little bumps on one side. Using a toner will not only help remove any of the deposits left from the water, but will create the perfect base for applying a serum or moisturizer since it adds wonderful moisture that your moisturizer will seal into your skin and provide an attractive glow. Many toners are not alcohol free so do check the ingredients on yours since alcohol can strip the skin of moisture. We have several available at our Little Blue House Organic Skin Care Bar & Apothecary, so do check with me for a recommendation.

It may also be worthwhile to check out shower filters to remove chemicals and chlorine from your water. Whole home systems are also available and will filter your bathing and drinking water.

Need expert advice from a Master Aesthetician, Skin Fitness Innovator and Health Coach? Schedule "Simply Know Your Skin" session to receive personalized advice in person, over the phone, via Facetime or Skype.

Need help figuring out your skin type? See our skin type guide.


Content Copyright © 2014, Pamela Bond Inc.

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"Information courtesy of, a website with integrative anti-aging skin care tips and products designed for all skin types and needs. With over 32 years of experience working with professionals and celebrities, Pamela's products provide the perfect synergy of natural and holistic skin care with clinical research. In person, by phone, Facetime or Skype consultations available."